Friday 26 July 2013

Photography worskshop at WWT London Wetland Centre with Iain Green

Wow!  The photography course was great.  Iain Green taught me how to use my camera and improve my photography skills.  I learnt how to set up and plan a good shot.  He mentioned that in wildlife photography having an animals eyes in focus is a key thing.  I ended up photographing more flowers than animals on the day. 

Here are some of the results:

My best photo of the day!

Mum's best shots:




  1. Hi, my name is Damian Davis & I'm also a keen photographer and an OLD friend of your mum & dads. (I shared a house with them nearly 20 years ago)! I'm LOVING your photos. My favourite is the orange flower (your 'best pic of the day). The focus is great and the colours are so vibrant. If you have grass is the photos, then in photoshop or gimp, turn up the saturation & vibrancy & the green looks great. Have a read of all the articles at - very good photography advice. We've been to the London Wetlands a few times for good photos & have just joined RSPB so looking forward to getting some good shots at their reserves. Anyway, I look forward to seeing more great shots on your blog. P.s. your photos are way better than your mum's!

  2. Ben
    It was a pleasure working with you and your mum at the London Wetland Centre - and what fabulous photos you took. My favourite is the orange flower too, wonderful composition and observation - i wish I had taken it. Look forward to seeing more of your artistic images

  3. Hi Ben, it's Allan from next door and I've just got round to see your pictures and I'm very impressed!
    I particularly like the 6 spot Burnet Moth and the next one of the pink flower (sorry - I don't know what kind it is) as it's so vibrant against the background and the focus is spot on!!

    Looking forward to seeing more - and if I can be of any help don't hesitate to ask.

