Saturday, 27 July 2013

Friday, 26 July 2013

Harcourt Aboretum

Today I went to Harcourt Aboretum to photograph grass hoppers and birds of prey. It was challenging to photograph the red kite that was soaring low across the fields because the conditions were very bright. Here is what I managed to get:


Photography worskshop at WWT London Wetland Centre with Iain Green

Wow!  The photography course was great.  Iain Green taught me how to use my camera and improve my photography skills.  I learnt how to set up and plan a good shot.  He mentioned that in wildlife photography having an animals eyes in focus is a key thing.  I ended up photographing more flowers than animals on the day. 

Here are some of the results:

My best photo of the day!

Mum's best shots:



Bees on the lavendar

Outside my house Mum has planted some lavender.  Many bees come to and fro.

Bee on lavender

Hover fly on croc!

Lashford Lane Fen, a small BBOWT nature reserve

I persuaded Mum to let me visit Lashford Lane Fen one evening when we were passing by.  It was definitely worth it!  Some kind people had found a baby grass snake and brought it to show me.  I got to hold it and Mum took a good picture.  We also got a glimpse of a slow worm but not a photo unfortunately as it slithered away before I could get my camera out.

Red Kite

Grass snake

Mum took these pictures:

A first visit to Otmoor RSPB reserve

At Otmoor I enjoyed seeing little egrets, hobbies, herons, snipe, lapwing, reed bunting, a lesser spotted woodpecker and turtle dove!!!  We met some enthusiasts that were very helpful and showed us some of these birds.

Yellow flag iris







Reed bunting

Turtle Dove!!!

Lesser spotted woodpecker