Friday, 30 May 2014

First barn owl sighting!

Last night I really enjoyed seeing a barn owl for the first time.  We'd waited patiently for nearly two hours and were about to go home when a barn owl swooped into the field.  It was very exciting! As it was nearly dark it was very hard to film and get good photographs.  Mum got a short movie (see below).  I will have to go back another night.  Other sightings included a fox, kestrel, swallows, rabbits, swifts and an orange tip caterpillar.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

BBOWT blog

Got a mention on the Berks, Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust website.  Click here to view.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Newly fledged goldfinches

Looked out of the window and noticed five young goldfinches feeding in my garden!

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Volunteering at Chilswell Valley

I was one of the first volunteers on the Wild Oxford Project at Chilswell Valley nature reserve.  After exploring the site we cut down hawthorn and other shrubs that were preventing the smaller plants from growing in the wild flower meadow.  We saw skylarks, buzzards, moths, a woodpecker, a large crane fly, brimstone and speckled wood butterlies and much more.  It was difficult to record a good list of species as it kept pouring with rain.  It was also too wet to take my camera but I managed to borrow Mum's at the end.  Can't wait until next time.  Thanks Andy and Judy for teaching me so much.

Taken by Mum

Taken by Mum

Taken by Mum

Taken by Mum

Taken by Andy

The team - taken by Mum

Evening walk

Went on an evening walk and saw a juvenile buzzard, kestrel, rabbits, swifts, lambs and a stunning sunset.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Wild flower meadow

Had a fabulous afternoon at Tony Rayner's spectacular wild flower meadow.  Great exploring with two naturalists and wildlife experts, Tony Rayner and Jo Cartmell.

We saw so much: grey partridge, swifts, grass snakes, slow worms (46 in total!!!), red kite, buzzard, field vole, bank vole, lizard, common newt, dragonfly chaser, blue damselfly, red damselfly, four-spotted chaser, red cardinal beetle, soldier beetle and tree bumble bees.  Butterflies and moths included: brimstone, small copper, small yellow underwing, brown argus, common blue, green hairstreak, dingy skipper, speckled wood, peacock, orange footman, cinnabar, carpet moth and much more.

Taken by Mum

Taken by Mum